Flourishing Life... with Heart...
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Summer Volunteer Program in Kwai Chung Hospital 2024 (Enrollment Deadline: 24/5/2024)

【Embrace HAPPINESS and LOVE - Video Launch Ceremony for “Caring for Elderly with Dementia: Guide to Foreign Domestic Helper” held on September 23, 2017]


【A MIND Journey Microfilm Competition]

Please click on the poster for details.

A MIND Journey Microfilm Competition



Opening Ceremony for Art Jamming Program held on May 23, 2015

Art Exhibition
Art Exhibition
Art Exhibition
Art Exhibition
Art Exhibition
Opening Ceremony


【Nourishing Life .. Shaping Future .. with Heart ...]

Closing Ceremony for Art Jamming Program held on April 16, 2016



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Copyright © Kwai Chung Hospital, Hospital Authority. All rights reserved.
3-15, Kwai Chung Hospital Road, New Territories, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, PRC.